Everest launches her IDO from the 20th of April to the 4th of May.
The private sale starts from the 20th of April to the 26th of April with our $EVR selling at 1Algo for 74.62 $EVR.
The minimum purchase for the private sale is 100 Algo.
Then the Public sale runs from the 27th of April to the 4th of May with the minimum purchase of 25 Algo.
An IDO (Initial Decentralized Offering) is a crypto token offering that is run on a decentralized exchange (DEX) which gives users the liberty to lock funds in exchange for tokens,(our $EVR in this case).
To participate in Everest's IDO, follow these few steps:
The journey begins with getting an Algorand wallet.
If you don’t have one, you can simply download the Algorand wallet app here,( Android , IOS ) and create an account by following the easy steps on the application.
(Remember to keep your passphrase and passcodes private)
Once the account has been created, you fund your wallet with Algos by clicking the yellow "buy Algo" icon. You'll be redirected to a platform where you can purchase Algos, following a few steps.
As of when this article was written,1 Algo costs $0.92, (Do note it could cost more or less). So you can fund it with whatever amount of Algos you wish to exchange with our $EVR.
Once your Algo wallet has been funded, you return to the wallet and add Everest to your wallet with our asset ID.
To do this, you click on the "add new asset" icon and type in "Everest" on the search bar. or type in our access ID: 685787385
Click on EVR to add it to your wallet, for 0.201 Algos only.
At this step, you're extremely close to claiming your EVR.
Visit our website and click on the 'Buy $EVR' icon. You’ll immediately be redirected to the 100pay platform.
Or just click this link to get there directly
Click the blue 'connect to a wallet' icon and click the first if you're using a system or the second if you're using a mobile phone.
Immediately, you'll be redirected to your Pera app (Algo wallet) and it will request permission to connect 100pay to your wallet. Click on it to be connected.
Next, return to the previous page and you'll notice the blue icon has changed from 'Connect to a wallet' to 'Buy x EVR'. And on the top right, your wallet address has appeared.
In the left column, you type in the amount of Algos you’d want to exchange for $EVR. Then you click the blue "Buy *** EVR" icon below.
Immediately, you'll be redirected to your Pera app, (Algo wallet) requesting you to confirm the transaction.
(If it's over 5 seconds and you haven't been redirected to your wallet, you can just open the wallet directly and approve the transaction)
Immediately you approve it, your $EVR tokens will be automatically deposited in your wallet.
At this final step, you can just kick back, relax, and view the $EVR transactions on the Algorand Explorer.